Special event station KP4AO Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico will be on the air Sunday, November 10, 1230 – 2000 UTC.
We will be on the air commemorating our 50th anniversary of Radio Astronomy Science, explains Angel M. Vazquez, WP3R, the head of telescope operations and RFI/spectrum manager at the facility. We will operate 20 meter phone only at around 14.250 MHz.”
The observatory is inviting radio amateurs to operate the station. Vazquez says the KP4AO ops will be transmitting right from the control room of the William E. Gordon telescope, the worlds largest and most sensitive radio telescope, commissioned in November 1963.
A commemorative certificate will be available for those who make contacts with KP4AO (include a SASE) as well for those who operate the station. QSL to Arecibo Observatory Radio Club, HC03, PO Box 53995, Arecibo, PR 00612.
The special event is sponsored by the Caribbean Amateur Radio Group and the Arecibo Observatory Radio Club. The National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Arecibo Observatory) is a facility of the National Science Foundation.
(Source: The ARRL web page)
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