
Bulletin #4: Region 2 General Assembly Countdown

Registration for the Region 2 virtual General Assembly is now open!

Member Societies should choose their delegates and have them register at


Registration opens access to all of the information needed to prepare and participate in the upcoming Oct 31 – Nov 4 evening sessions.

Member Society preparations:

  • Ensure that annual dues are current. If unsure, contact treasurer@​iaru-​r2.​org Only Societies current in their dues may vote during the Assembly.
  • Designate your representatives. Have them register.
  • Choose your voting representative, the Head of Delegation.
  • Prepare your triennial report of Society activities including successful initiatives, regulatory matters and consultations, and any best practices that other societies may benefit from. Also, a current census of licensees and recruitment of new amateurs.
  • Consider submitting a proposal to host the in-person 2025 Region 2 General Assembly.

To allow time for translation, all materials should be submitted by October first. That’s only one month away, so start your preparations now. The clock is ticking!

George Gorsline VE3YV

Secretary R2


Also available in Español (Spanish).

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