The year 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of the Hurricane Watch Network (HWN). Heading into the 2025 Atlantic Basin hurricane season, there is much uncertainty surrounding the number and strength of tropical cyclones. However, as we all know, it only takes one hurricane to make landfall for a very difficult and potentially devastating season.
As a reminder, the Hurricane Watch Network is typically activated when a hurricane is within 300 miles of land or at the request of meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center. This may include a forecast of a tropical storm becoming a hurricane before landfall. The storm’s forward speed and strength will also determine how quickly it will be activated. When activated, you will find us on 14,325.00 MHz during the day and 7,268.00 MHz at night. We can operate both frequencies simultaneously if necessary, depending on propagation conditions.
If you haven’t already, I invite you to sign up to receive free weather emails, including the tropical weather forecast and all weather advisories as soon as they are issued by the National Hurricane Center. You can sign up at You’ll also find a link to this page in the left navigation bar of our website,
As always, we’re praying for a calm season, but preparing for the worst!
73 and God bless,
Bobby Graves — KB5HAV
Hurricane Watch Net
Network Manager
Also available in Español (Spanish).