
New band allocations for Colombia

New national bandpland allocations on 2200, 630 and 60m for Colombian hams.

The Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados (LCRA) , IARU Member Society, with support from its strategic partner, Liga Radio Bogotá (LRB), would like to notify the international amateur community that as a consequence of a petition to the Colombian communication authorities, Colombian ham radio amateurs have now been granted new allocations to the Amateur Radio Service on the 2200, 630 and 60 m bands.

The new allocations are the end result of efforts made by LCRA and LRB and will be effective when the Colombian Communications Ministry grants the aforementioned privileges by administrative act.

New allocations for Colombia

2200 m 135,7 — 137,8
630 m 472 ‑479 kHz
60 m 5351,5 — 5366,5 kHz

Also available in Español (Spanish).

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