On behalf of the IARU Region 2 Executive Committee, I am pleased to give notice of the IARU Region 2 XXII General Assembly, to be held in Salvador BA, Brazil, from October 5 to October 9, 2025. This Assembly may also be referred as “Salvador2025”. The Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissao (LABRE) will be the host society for the assembly. The assembly will be held at the Vila Galé Guarajuba Hotel, Rua Morro do Escravo Miguel, 320, Salvador BA, Brazil.
At the General Assembly there will be elections for Region 2 Officers and Area Directors who will serve until the next General Assembly in 2028. The host Member Society for the 2028 General Assembly will also be determined by the Member Societies.
It is a responsibility of all Region 2 Member Societies to attend the General Assembly (“GA”); therefore, we request that you form a delegation consisting of your own members, including a Head of Delegation or Principal Delegate, who will hold your society’s vote.
Information regarding registration, hotel accommodation and other details about the General Assembly will be available on a webpage devoted to the Salvador2025 General Assembly. All Region 2 Member Societies will be notified when the web site is completed and ready to receive registrations for the General Assembly and reservations for the Vila Galé Hotel. When the web site is completed, please visit it frequently for updates. It is also suggested that you subscribe to IARU Region 2 News. You can register to receive the Region 2 News bulletins at: https://www.iaru-r2.org/en/news-and-events/mailing-list/
Additional information will be sent by email to the delegates after they are registered for the General Assembly. Therefore, it is important that each member society notify the Secretary of Region 2 of the names and email addresses of the persons who will likely attend Savador2025.
The Region 2 Executive Committee looks forward to your participation in this important regional amateur radio event.
Rod Stafford W6ROD
Secretary Region 2
Also available in Español (Spanish).