What is the IARU R2-EMCOR email reflector?
It’s a closed email exchange service for people involved in Emergency Communications in IARU Region 2. The purpose of this email reflector is to exchange information related to emergencies before, during and after emergencies. It should be THE preferred way of communication.
Who can participate in the reflector?
- The IARU R2 Emergency Coordinator (EMCOR)
- The IARU R2 Emergency Coordinator Advisory Group (ECAG)
- The IARU R2 Executive Committee members
- The IARU R2 News Coordinator
- Interested parties of IARU IS, R1 and R3
- IARU Member Society officials and their emergency communication coordinators
- Representatives from Amateur Radio emergency communications programs with an international scope (SATERN, WX4NHC, Hurricane Watch Net, etc.)
- Individual radio amateurs approved by the Member Society of his/her country and the IARU R2 EMCOR
Who can send messages to the reflector?
Any of the subscribed members can post on this reflector. It’s a two way mean of communication. It’s possible to send attachments to the reflector. The attachments will be distributed to all members. Please use this function wisely.
How can I request being a member of the R2-EMCOR email reflector?
Send an email to the IARU R2 EMCOR (emcor@iaru-r2.org) requesting your admission to the reflector. New subscription must be approved so no unauthorized person can subscribe.
Where do I send my emails for the reflector?
Send them to r2emcor@lists.kkn.net from your previously registered email address. It is possible to register more than one email address (send-only).
How can I unsubscribe from the IARU R2-EMCOR email reflector?
Send an email to r2emcor-unsubscribe@lists.kkn.net
Also available in Español (Spanish).