
Only 5 months for Lima 2019

The IARU Region 2 General Assembly https://​lima​-2019​.net is just 5 months away.

Several delegations that will attend this event or the Emergency Communications Workshop have already registered. Remember than special priced rooms are limited please take the following two actions at your earliest convenience.

1) Register on the event website: : https://​lima​-2019​.net/​e​n​/​t​h​e​-​e​v​e​n​t​/​r​e​g​i​s​t​r​a​t​i​o​n​-​f​o​r​-​m​e​m​b​e​r​-​s​o​c​i​e​t​y​-​d​e​l​e​g​a​t​es/

2) Make your hotel reservation as soon as possible: https://​lima​-2019​.net/​e​n​/​t​h​e​-​e​v​e​n​t​/​h​o​t​el/

Also available in Español (Spanish).

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