2009 Hurricane Season Assistance
In cooperation with the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, and WX4NHC, Dennis Dura, K2DCD IARU-R2 Region B Emergency Coordinator is asking for your assistance in the 2009 Hurricane Season. Further details can be found in this document. …
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Earthquake in Honduras
Dr. Cesar Pio Santos, HR2P, IARU Region 2 Emergency Coordinator send the following report about the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Honduras on the early hours of May 28, 2009. The report is in Spanish but it can be translated online (scroll …
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International gathering
Officials of several IARU member societies meet at the IARU boot in Dayton. It was a good opportunity to congratulate IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA and Vice-president Ole Garpestad, LA2RR who took office days before the event. In the new international area …
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Francisco Marroquín University
Thanks to Dr. Giancarlo Ibarguen, (ex TG9IZ) President of Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM), in Guatemala City and to Juan Carlos Muñoz TG9AJR, IARU Region 2 Monitoring Service Coordinator, an interesting conference promoting Amateur Radio took place in mid April at their campus. …
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IARU officials take office
Today, May 9, 2009 the new IARU President Timothy S. Ellam VE6SH and the new Vice-President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR take office. The members of Region 2 Executive Committee send an effusive greeting to them. As of yesterday Tim served as IARU Vice President …
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