Partial history of the beginnings of radio in Haïti
While recently listening to a video clip which recalled a sad page in the history of the press in Haïti, I heard the presenter say this when speaking of Radio Haïti-Inter: “…Radio ki té pi ancien nan péyi a”, meaning “…the oldest radio …
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The IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS)
The IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) is a global service authorized by the Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). The primary objective of the IARU Monitoring System is to search for, classify, and identify transmissions sent by non-amateur stations …
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WRC-23, RA-23 and CPM27‑1 Outcomes
The ITU´s Radio Assembly (RA-23), World Radio Conference (WRC-23) and Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM27‑1) concluded their almost 6 week of activities on December 19 at Dubai, UAE, where overall amateur service fared very well, despite the enormous pressures across the radio …
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The IARU R2 Executive Committee appreciates all the support of its member societies and their communities since thanks to all of them it was possible to carry out our work in favor of amateur radio throughout this ending year.We wish …
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IARU R2 EC meeting October 2023
The IARU Region 2 Executive Committee met virtually on October 18, 2023. The Executive Committee took the following actions and heard reports on the following matters: R2 Assistant Treasurer John Sager WJ7S gave an update on the region’s finances An update on …
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