
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


Bulletin #3: Region 2 General Assembly Countdown
The virtual General Assembly website is now operational! Please visit https://​ga​.iaru​-r2​.org , respectively https://​ga​-iaru​-r2​.com . The General Assembly website provides the information needed for Member Societies to prepare for their participation in our Oct 31 – Nov 4 evening sessions: Delegate …
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CADECAMP 34th. Anniversary
With regional vision and a clear spirit of service, our colleague Fernando Montes de Oca, TI2FMO (SK), founded on June 2, 1988, on his own initiative, the “Central America, Mexico and Panama Net” (CADECAMP). Today, 34 years later, this independent organization …
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