Special WRC Report Number One
Here you will find the IARU E‑Letter with the Special WRC Report Number One. …
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Looking for a new amateur radio band. WRC-12 report from G3PSM.
Progress was made with a compromise proposal on agenda item 1.23, drafted to take into consideration the views of those for and those against an amateur service allocation around 500kHz. This proposal suggests a 7kHz segment between 472 – 479kHz, very close …
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WRC-12: World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 Begins in Switzerland, Considers Secondary MF Amateur Allocation
The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) opened in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, January 23. Attendees will review and revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. One of the items to be …
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FMRE’s 80th Anniversary
On Saturday January 14th the Federación Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores, FMRE, Mexico´s IARU member society celebrated its 80 Anniversary. The gathering, with the participation of board members, directives and radio amateurs attending from different parts of the country, lasted several …
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Merry Christmas
Dear Friends, In my name and on behalf of the members of the Executive Committee of the International Amateur Radio Union, Region 2which I am honored to chairI have the pleasure to express to you and all the radio amateurs in …
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