
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


V International Amateur Meeting in Honduras
During the V International Amateur Meeting held in the city of La Esperanza Intibucá, Honduras, in May 2011, our colleague Marco Tulio Gudiel, Area D Director of IARU Region 2, presented the topic “The IARU and development amateur radio. ” The event was …
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IARU Region 2 thanks Grupo DXXE for the activation of 4A0IARU to celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day and the 86 Anniversary of IARU from April 18 to 24, 2011. During this time more than 12,000 contacts were made with radio amateurs …
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CQMM DX Contest
The CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest (CQMM DX Contest) is a continuation of the popular and successful Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest, being organized and established by the Group CWJF since 1993.The competition was initially limited to Brazil (1993−1996), later …
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World Amateur Radio Day
On April 18, 2011 we will all celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day at the 86th Anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU. For this reason Grupo DXXE in Mexico will activate the special callsign 4A0IARU …
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