
PT2ADM, HB9EHT & PT2OP: Amateur radio operators

PT2ADM, HB9HET & PT2OPLast week ITU General Secretary, Mr. Mamadoun Touré – HB9EHT, made a presentation at ANATEL in Brasilia.

Orlando – PT2OP and me had been there representing LABRE and IARU R2. After his presentation, everybody came to talk with him. I had my IARU tag on, and Orlando had his tag with his call on too.

There were many persons trying to talk with him at same time. When he saw us with our calls, he said: “Please wait a minute, I have my friends that I want to talk with them”.

We introduced ourselves, representing both, LABRE and IARU R2. Then we asked to take a picture with him, and after that, he said “ Wait a minute, I have to take my jacket off, and now we look like 3 hams”.

Gustavo – PT2ADM.

Gustavo de Faria PT2ADM is the President of LABRE, Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissão, and Area F Director in the IARU Region 2 Executive Committee.

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