
Silent keys SK

With deep sorrow, the IARU R2 Executive Committee offers its condolences to the amateur radio communities of ARRL and the Mexican Federation of Radio Experimenters on the passing of two distinguished radio amateurs:

  • Gerald E. “Gerry” Murphy, known to some as Jerry, passed away on February 25, 2025. He was a licensed amateur radio operator with the callsign K8YUW. He is also the founder of the Hurricane Watch Network.
  • José Levy Vázquez XE1J passed away on March 12, 2025. He was the contest director and spokesperson for FMRE for over 20 years, as well as a moral authority figure in Mexican amateur radio.

We extend our deepest condolences to the colleagues, family, and loved ones of Gerry K8YUW and Pepe XE1J.


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