
SKNAARS Annual General Meeting

Al frente, de izq. a der.: El Presidente, Sr Roosevelt Howe y la Secretaria, Sra. Jessica St Luce-Warner . Atrás, de izq. a der.: El Presidente Saliente, Sr. Selwyn Liburd; el Vicepresidente, Sr. Hugh Mallalieu; el Subsecretario, Sr. Kennedy De Silva y el Tesorero, Sr. Basil E. Woods.

The Saint Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society [SKNAARS] held its annual AGM on Tuesday 4th February 2020. Elections were held for the new Executive Committee.

In the photo, front row seated left to right: The President Mr Roosevelt Howe and Secretary Mrs Jessica St Luce-Warner. Back row standing left to right: The Immediate Past President Mr Selwyn Liburd; the Vice President Mr Hugh Mallalieu; the Assistant Secretary Mr Kennedy De Silva; the Treasurer Mr Basil E. Woods.

In Saint Kitts amateur radio operators are still battling with the RF Interference, noise and frequency jamming caused by the smart meters of the electric company. SKNAARS took our RF interference complaint to the NTRC who issued a “cease and desist” order to the electric company, effective October 7, 2019. Today makes four [4] months since that order was issued, and a number of stations are still experiencing RF interference and noise on 40-meter and 80-meter radio frequencies. The SKNAARS new executive will be meeting with the NTRC in the next few weeks to discuss this RF noise issue and other outstanding matters. SKNAARS wishes to thank IARU for its assistance in helping to resolve this RF interference matter affecting the amateur radio fraternity in Saint Kitts. The island of Nevis does not have a smart meter system.

As a point of interest, amateur radio operators from the USA visited Saint Kitts for several contests in the month following the “cease and desist” order issued by the NTRC. These operations were able to score highly, and even win their category because their location was totally noise free. Apparently, the RF interference problem no longer exists in those locations used by the contesters. Unfortunately, whatever RF interference solution was applied has not yet migrated to the active local amateur radio operators on the island of Saint Kitts.

The new SKNAARS executive is looking forward to working with IARU on youth development programs and also for additional ways to help reach new members in institutions of higher learning.

Please visit our Facebook page https://​www​.facebook​.com/​S​T​-​K​I​T​T​S​-​N​E​V​I​S​-​A​N​G​U​I​L​L​A​-​A​M​A​T​E​U​R​-​R​A​D​I​O​-​S​O​C​I​E​T​Y​-​1​4​6​1​3​1​7​1​8​557

Keeth France, V44KF

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